Saturday, June 19, 2010

I have this American friend who will be moving back to the US shortly. You can imagine how I will miss her...

Well, she is in the process of purging her belongings since it is so dreadfully expensive to ship things, and little by little I am inheriting a number of treasures!

Last week she showed up with this darling glass something. Hubby thinks it is a cheese plate (so Swiss of him to think that, non?). But I fancy it is used for cinnamon buns ... (yes, that's a lot of cultural stereotyping for a plate).

Needless to say, I made up a batch of the buns and here are the last two waiting to be gobbled up. But I think they're cute just sitting there encased in the love of a friend.
Bon appetit!


Teté M. Jorge said...

Um prato muito charmoso... e o que dizer destes deliciosos bolinhos a espera de serem saboreados... pelo menos é o que eu imagino daqui...

Ah... um encanto! Posso dar uma experimentada? ;)


penny said...

Sweets for the sweet friendship, Allison.

Thanks for following ;)